Furnace Installation

Keeping You Warm with Our Furnace Installations

When cold temperatures start to arrive, do you turn on your older furnace and cross your fingers that it will work? If so, it’s probably time to consider replacing your older furnace model with a modern, energy-efficient unit.
Unlike other furnace installation companies, New Aire Tech provides top-notch customer service and restoring whole-home comfort. Our expert furnace installation will eliminate the need for good luck, as we deliver effective furnace installations that fit your needs and budget.
Man Checking the Boiler — Richland, PA — New Aire Tech LLC

It’s time to consider furnace replacement if:

  • You find yourself scheduling furnace repairs too often – Once every few years or so isn’t all that unusual, but if you find yourself calling in for professional service every year or even more, the cost of maintaining your system is no longer worth it. A replacement will bring you more comfort, less cost, and a lot less stress!
  • Your current need for repair is too costly – In some cases, scheduling frequent repairs for your system can be more expensive than replacing the unit. If you find yourself neck-deep in repair costs, a replacement might offer a better solution.
  • Your furnace is no longer capable of meeting your comfort needs – When winter is bearing down on you, you deserve a strong, effective heating solution. If your furnace is failing to keep your home properly heated, it’s time to kick it to the curb.
  • The efficiency of your system has dwindled, or your heating costs are skyrocketing – Losing efficiency and hiked monthly heating costs are often indicators that you should schedule a repair. In some cases, though, even furnace repairs may not solve the problem, and you would be better off scheduling replacement.
  • Your system is simply too old – All good things come to an end, and your furnace is no exception. Once your system is 10-15 years old, it will likely need to be repaired more frequently, begin losing efficiency, and begin rapidly increasing in the risk of total breakdown.
  • Not sure whether or not replacement is your best option? Don’t worry! The team at New Aire is dedicated to bringing you exceptional services to meet your needs.

Choosing A Furnace (Gas or Oil)

You should always go with the most efficient furnace that you can afford. Furnace efficiency is a measurement of how much of the energy put into a furnace is converted into heating power for your home — measured in AFUE (the Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency).
Minimum-efficiency furnaces must reach 80 percent AFUE in order to comply with regulations. At the other end of the spectrum, the iQ Drive® modulating gas furnace reaches 97 percent AFUE. With the iQ Drive gas furnace, only 3 percent of the energy you put into the unit escapes up the flue. Essentially, you are using less natural gas to heat your home, which can lower your monthly utility costs. 

Fuel Source

Whether you want gas, electric, or oil heating, there are options available. However, there are several important things you should know about each type. 
Gas furnaces run off of natural gas and are the most economical way to heat your home when temperatures drop below freezing.
An oil or propane furnace is a powerful source of heat as well, but it requires more room for storage, is dirtier than a natural gas furnace, and can be significantly more expensive to operate (depending on oil prices). However, it is an alternative to a gas furnace in areas that don’t have gas lines — particularly older homes.
The third choice, the electric furnace, is also an alternative to natural gas furnaces, but they can be a drain on the bank account. Electric furnaces must create original heat from electricity, which can significantly run up your meter.
A most economical solution is the electric-powered heat pump. These systems transfer heat from one air stream to another — using less electricity. They also act as an air conditioner during the summer. So, for some homeowners, a heat pump can meet all heating and cooling demands.
Call today and let New Aire Tech help you choose the best option.  
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